Daily Digital Picture Updates
We give you a digital footprint of what we’ve done each day, step-by-step and day by day, ending the project with a video panoramic view of the entire cleared lot or of the project that we have completed. Our goal with the daily digital update is to keep our client as informed as possible and to make them feel like they were there on location every step of the way.
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On day one, we come in and evaluate the oak trees and where they are positioned. For the ones that have the highest potential of damage, we install our tree protection by wrapping them in 2 x 4’s, which greatly reduces the potential damage that they might see.

Day 1
We start removing the cedar trees that are located closest to either the burn site or the chipper machine location so that we can burn them or turn them in to mulch.

Day 2
On day two, we keep removing all of the big cedars that are left.

Day 2
We then start removing the smaller cedars and scrub trees that have to be removed by hand.

Day 3
On day three, we start trimming the low hanging and dead limbs on the oak trees. It is important to remove the limbs the correct way and make a clean-cut on the limb so it doesn’t tear a bigger wound on the trunk of the tree. After we are done removing the limbs we coat the exposed wood with wound care. This protects the tree from getting oak wilt and helps the tree heal correctly.

Day 3
At the end of the project, we fill in the dirt that was disturbed while removing the cedars and tap down the rocks that were pulled up as well.

Day 4
The finished product.

Day 4
The finished product.